Friday, June 5, 2009


Ok so you know how you find out something and then you can't UNknow it? Let me think of a few examples: nah, that's too depressing. You know what I mean.

I'm counting calories. I'm watching Cook Yourself Thin on Lifetime. I'm struggling not to make myself into one of "those women". You know the ones--the Food Police. They're on Weight Wathers, NutriSystem, Jenny Craig and everything else all at the same time. They know how many points that spinach salad and ice cream pint you had for dinner is worth. They remember what you had to eat three weeks ago and they've been counting your point deficit ever since--and you still haven't caught up. That pizza and beer from Friday night will be worked off about a month from now if you keep yourself on bread and water.

Folks, these are the kinds of posts I write when my brain is foggy from lack of sleep. I'm getting over a cold, I've reduced my caloric intake by half (egads! That means I was eating twice as much as I should be daily) and thankfully last night I got to sleep peacefully albeit pretty late.

AT ANY RATE, to keep this from getting too depressing today I will say this--a few good observations from attempting to watch what I put in my mouth every day:

1.) Food lasts WAY longer when you eat it in the correct portions.

2.) When you honestly count your caloric intake you realize that portion sizes are accurate and fair. You were just eating too much.

3.) You sleep better when you stop eating earlier in the evening--TRUST ME on this one.

4.) Multivitamins are manna from Heaven. I promise.

I still want to be a crusader for having the foods in your life that you love. Currently, ice cream, soda, fast food, potato chips, soda and white rice are all off my list. But cake remains, my friends, cake remains. If I want to sacrifice 300 calories for cake every day for the rest of my life, I'll damn well do it! Note the date and time, friends. Note the date and time.


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