Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Still Going Strong!

Calorie counting is not fun. But watching what you eat sort of is. Having a ball park daily goal is what works for me. I try not only to not go OVER my limit but I also try to REACH it. You'd be surprised how difficult that is if you change what you're eating.

Eating whole, organic (when possible) and light, surprisingly, offers a lot of nutrition and not a lot of calories! (This is a newsflash for me, even if it's not for, oh, the rest of humanity.) You can eat like cups and cups of spinach and there's only 50 calories! I thought I was going to have to deprive myself of the things I love, but basically if I want to have that toaster strudel, I try to eat as clean as possible so that at the end of the day I have 200 calories (geez!) to devote to it if I want to.

Paying attention to what you eat, even if you don't change it, I believe leads to inevitable weightloss. Maybe not to the degree that you require long term, but just enough to make those jeans fit again. Holding yourself accountable and letting a little responsibility (not guilt!) leak into your consciousness, maybe you'll just eat one of those pop tarts instead of two!

Right now everything in my closet fits. SOME things are even slightly loose. Since I was sick for two weeks I haven't gotten back into the swing of workouts except for a killer hike at Runyon Canyon on Saturday morning. I'm going to try to fold that back in--it didn't kick my ass as much as it normally does so that's progress!

Looking forward to keeping it going.


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